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API Usage Guide


PHAIDRA API is a REST(ish) application interface implementing most of core PHAIDRA logic and processes.

The most frequent usage of PHAIDRA API from external developers is the ingest of object(s).

You can refer to the OpenAPI documentation of PHAIDRA API on your instance under the URL /api/openapi, e.g. http://localhost:8899/api/openapi.

If you are developing a frontend or an upload script, consider using PHAIDRA Vue Components (or rather the javascripts inside) to manipulate the metadata. See the example here.

Creating simple objects

Creating a digital object consists of multiple steps, but you can create a digital object in PHAIDRA using just on call.

Here is an example for creating a picture. If you want to create another object type, you simply have to use the corresponding endpoint (possibilities are: picture, audio, video, document, unknown, collection, container, page), the parameters are the same.

POST http://localhost:8899/api/picture/create

Param Value
file [upload file via "multipart/form-data"]
metadata See JSON-LD example
mimetype optional: if not provided, heuristics is used on server side

Request example:

curl -X POST -u pone:1234 -F "file=@dashboard.png" -F metadata=@metadata.json http://localhost:8899/api/picture/create

Response example:


Possible content models

Content model Content model internal Method
picture cmodel:Picture picture/create
document cmodel:PDFDocument document/create
video cmodel:Video video/create
audio cmodel:Audio audio/create
collection cmodel:Collection collection/create
data cmodel:Asset unknown/create

JSON-LD example:

  "metadata": {
    "json-ld": {
      "edm:hasType": [
          "@type": "skos:Concept",
          "skos:exactMatch": [
          "skos:prefLabel": [
              "@language": "eng",
              "@value": "still image"
      "dce:title": [
          "@type": "bf:Title",
          "bf:mainTitle": [
              "@value": "Test object",
              "@language": "eng"
      "role:aut": [
          "@type": "schema:Person",
          "schema:familyName": [
              "@value": "Max"
          "schema:givenName": [
              "@value": "Mustermann"
      "dce:subject": [
          "@type": "skos:Concept",
          "skos:prefLabel": [
              "@value": "test",
              "@language": "eng"
          "@type": "skos:Concept",
          "skos:prefLabel": [
              "@value": "Test",
              "@language": "deu"
      "bf:note" : [
           "skos:prefLabel" : [
                 "@value" : "A test object.",
                 "@language" : "eng"
           "@type" : "bf:Summary"
      "dcterms:language" : [
      "ebucore:filename": [
      "ebucore:hasMimeType": [
      "edm:rights": [

For a description of the metadata format, see Metadata

Additionally, metadata hash can contain:

Order of members

Applicable for container and collection

"membersorder": [ 
        "member": "member_foo", 
        "pos": "1"
        "member": "member_bar", 
        "pos": "2"

Access rights definition

This example restricts access to a particular username.

"rights": {
  "username": [
      "value": "username",
      "expires": "2026-08-25T14:31:34Z"

Access can also be restricted to faculties, institutes and groups.

"rights": {
  "department": [
  "faculty": [
      "expires": "2026-03-18T00:00:00.000Z",
      "value": "A51"
  "gruppe": [
  "username": [
      "expires": "2020-03-28T00:00:00.000Z",
      "value": "usernam2"


The object's ownership will be transferred to ownerid after the object was created. This allows for using another account for the upload itself. The accounts which are allowed to transfer ownership need to be configured in PhaidraAPI.json (contact your Phaidra support if your instance is hosted and you need this feature).

"ownerid": "projectusername"

Creating container objects

Creating an empty container

curl -X POST -u pone:1234 "http://localhost:8899/api/container/create" -F "metadata=@cont_metadata.json"


Container metadata example: cont_metadata.json

  "metadata": { 
    "json-ld": {
        "dcterms:type": [
            "@type": "skos:Concept",
            "skos:exactMatch": [
            "skos:prefLabel": [
                "@language": "eng",
                "@value": "container"
        "edm:hasType": [
            "@type": "skos:Concept",
            "skos:prefLabel": [
                "@value": "interview",
                "@language": "eng"
            "skos:exactMatch": [
        "dce:title": [
            "@type": "bf:Title",
            "bf:mainTitle": [
                "@value": "test container",
                "@language": "eng"

Container metadata should be interpreted as parent metadata record for the members, ie. all container metadata apply for members too unless re-defined on member level.

Creating a member (see Creating simple objects)

curl -X POST -u pone:1234 "http://localhost:8899/api/document/create" -F "metadata=@foo_metadata.json" -F "file=@test.wav" -F "mimetype=audio/wav"


Member metadata example: foo_metadata.json

  "metadata": {
    "json-ld": {
      "dcterms:type": [
          "@type": "skos:Concept",
          "skos:exactMatch": [
          "skos:prefLabel": [
              "@language": "eng",
              "@value": "sound"
      "dce:title": [
          "@type": "bf:Title",
          "bf:mainTitle": [
              "@value": "My title",
              "@language": "eng"
      "schema:duration": [
      "ebucore:filename": [
      "ebucore:hasMimeType": [
      "edm:rights": [

Add container member to container

curl -X POST -u pone:1234 "http://localhost:8899/api/object/o:1/relationship/add" -F "predicate=" -F "object=info:fedora/o:2"


Creating a container with members

curl -X POST -u pone:1234 "http://localhost:8899/api/container/create" -F "metadata=@cont_metadata.json" -F "member_foo=@test.wav" -F "member_bar=@test1.wav"

In this case, the metadata do not have the structure metadata->json-ld->{predicates}







  "metadata": { 
    "json-ld": {
      "container": {
        "dcterms:type": [
            "@type": "skos:Concept",
            "skos:exactMatch": [
            "skos:prefLabel": [
                "@language": "eng",
                "@value": "container"
        "edm:hasType": [
          "@type": "skos:Concept",
          "skos:prefLabel": [
              "@value": "interview",
              "@language": "eng"
          "skos:exactMatch": [
        "dce:title": [
            "@type": "bf:Title",
            "bf:mainTitle": [
                "@value": "test container",
                "@language": "eng"
      "member_foo": {
        "dcterms:type": [
            "@type": "skos:Concept",
            "skos:exactMatch": [
            "skos:prefLabel": [
                "@language": "eng",
                "@value": "sound"
        "dce:title": [
            "@type": "bf:Title",
            "bf:mainTitle": [
                "@value": "My title",
                "@language": "eng"
        "schema:duration": [
        "ebucore:filename": [
        "ebucore:hasMimeType": [
        "edm:rights": [
      "member_bar": {
        "dcterms:type": [
            "@type": "skos:Concept",
            "skos:exactMatch": [
            "skos:prefLabel": [
                "@language": "eng",
                "@value": "sound"
        "dce:title": [
            "@type": "bf:Title",
            "bf:mainTitle": [
                "@value": "track 2",
                "@language": "deu"
        "schema:duration": [
        "ebucore:filename": [
        "ebucore:hasMimeType": [
        "edm:rights": [


You can add "relationships" to "metadata" where you can define a specific relationship between the member (referred to as member_<key>) and the container (referred to as container), eg

"relationships": [ 
        "s": "member_foo", 
        "p": "", 
        "o": "container"

The relationship is added automatically for members.

Managing relationships

The add or remove a relationship, you can use the following calls. See the Digital Object for types of relationships.

POST http://localhost:8899/api/{pid}/relationship/add

Adding some system relationships (like hasModel) might be restricted.

Param Value
predicate the relationship (eg: 'info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#hasModel' or '')
object the value or the identifier of the related object in the repository (eg: 'info:fedora/cmodel:Picture' or 'info:fedora/o:1' )


curl -X POST -u pone:1234 "http://localhost:8899/api/object/o:2/relationship/add" -F "predicate=" -F "object=info:fedora/o:1"


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200

POST http://localhost:8899/api/{pid}/relationship/remove

Removing some system relationships (like hasModel) might be restricted. See the Digital Object for types of relationships.

Param Value
predicate the relationship (eg: 'info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#hasModel' or '')
object the value or the identifier of the related object in the repository (eg: 'info:fedora/cmodel:Picture' or 'info:fedora/o:1' )


curl -X POST -u pone:1234 "http://localhost:8899/api/object/o:2/relationship/remove" -F "predicate=" -F "object=info:fedora/o:1"


  "alerts": [],
  "status": 200

Changing object properties

POST object/{pid}/modify

Possible parameters (all are optional)

Param Value
state A (= Active), I (= Inactive)
ownerid owner's username


curl -X POST -u pone:1234 http://localhost:8899/api/object/o:1/modify -F 'state=A'



PHAIDRA users Solr as it's search engine. You can query Solr via the /solr/select endpoint. The parameters are the same as for the /select endpoint of Solr, see Solr common query parameters for more information.

The return value is directly proxied from Solr too.

Since the Solr query can be considerably large, the method is also available via POST.


curl -X GET -u pone:1234 "http://localhost:8899/api/search/select?q=*:*"

Retrieving metadata

The most convenient way of retrieving metadata is by using the /object/{pid}/info endpoint. This will deliver all the indexed data as well as the content of metadata datastreams (e.g. JSON-LD), plus all the related objects (e.g. previous versions, container members, etc) with their index data (with the exception of collection members - use "fq=ismemberof:'o:123'" search query to efficiently get collection members and their index data from search index).


curl -X GET -u pone:1234 "http://localhost:8899/api/object/o:1/info"

Displaying objects

PHAIDRA API takes care of providing a web-friendly display endpoint for the objects, where possible. Even if every type of object has a different view, the URL is the same for obtaining thumbnail as it is obtaining the viewer/player.

For the thumbnail, you can use the /object/{pid}/thumbnail endpoint and for the viewer/player the /object/{pid}/preview endpoint.

The preview endpoint will try to use the WEBVERSION, if any was provided and it will show a load button instead of the preview if the object size is beyond certain limit. This endpoint is meant to be easily embedded in iframes (in fact, PHAIDRA UI is using it too). If the object is restricted, the preview will not work without being logged into PHAIDRA or if the page with the iframe comes from a different domain (since PHAIDRA session cookies will not be passed).

Example: http://localhost:8899/api/object/o:1/preview


The OAI-PMH endpoint is available at /oai URL. See the OAI-PMH protocol for parameters.

For the objects to be available in the OAI interface,

1) sets needs to be defined in the mongo database of PHAIDRA API 2) the updateOai script needs to run (it's set up as a cronjob that runs every night)

Here is an example of a set definition:

    "setSpec": "driver",
    "setName": "driver",
    "query": "-hassuccessor:* AND -ismemberof:[\"\" TO *]",
    "setDescription": {
      "dc_creator": [
      "dc_description": [
        "PHAIDRA supports the Open Access Policy of the University of Vienna. The Open Access Collection contains freely available texts, pictures, videos and audio files."
      "dc_title": [
        "PHAIDRA Open Access Collection"
    "created": "2020-02-19T12:00:00.000Z"

The *query field is a query definition for the Solr search engine.

The definition in the example selects objects which * are not older versions * are not members of a container

The setSpec field defines the name of the set under which the objects in the OAI-PMH endpoint can be found.


curl -X GET "http://localhost:8899/api/oai?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc"

Using PHAIDRA Vue Components

Let's assume we want to parse a CSV file and use the metadata inside to bulk upload objects to PHAIDRA. Here's an example how we can do this using parts of PHAIDRA Vue Components library.

First, we need to import the relevant parts.

import fieldslib from 'phaidra-vue-components/src/utils/fields'
import jsonld from 'phaidra-vue-components/src/utils/json-ld'
import vocutils from 'phaidra-vue-components/src/utils/vocabulary'

And some utilities

import base64 from 'base-64'
import axios from 'axios'
import md5File from 'md5-file'

Now we'll define the form which will contain the metadata fields.

  let metadata = { 'metadata': {} }
  const digFields = []
  const form = {
    sections: [
        title: 'container-dig',
        type: 'digitalobject',
        id: 1,
        fields: digFields

Assuming we have read the necessary information from CSV, e.g. a title, let's add a title field to the form and set it's value. (See the fields.js for the list of possible fields)

  let title = 'My value from CSV'
  let f = fieldslib.getField('title')
  f.title = title
  f.language = 'eng'

Now let the jsonld js library transform the form to the JSON-LD schema we need to PHAIDRA

  let metadata = { 'metadata': {} }
  metadata['metadata']['json-ld'] = jsonld.form2json(form)

That's it. Now we only need to upload the metadata along with the data.

You don't have to provide the checksum, but it is recommended, as if you do, the Fedora Repository will checksum the uploaded file as part of the upload method and returns an error if the checksums do not match.

  let md = JSON.stringify(metadata)
  let md5sum = md5File.sync('picture.tif')

  const response = await'http://localhost:8899/api/picture/create', {
      'mimetype': 'image/tiff',
      'metadata': md,
      'checksumtype': 'MD5',
      'checksum': md5sum,
      file: fs.createReadStream('picture.tif'))
    }, {
      headers: {
        'Authorization': 'Basic ' + base64.encode('pone:1234'),
        'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'